Confidence From the Inside Out: 7 Phases of ConvictionMovement to action requires a certain level of confidence. This can often be debilitating for both employees and business leaders. The progressive enhancement of confidence starts on the inside and moves to a more visible outside.  Here are seven uncomplicated actions to increase your confidence.

  1. Know yourself

Recognize your insecurities and then move past them. Once they are identified and understood you can accept them for what they are. Likewise, discover the ways that you excel. Allow yourself to take pride in them and allow them to feed your own self-worth. Once you have identified your talents and strengths, you can focus on enhancing them. Remember, these same skills are often the attributes that you also enjoy doing.

2. Set reasonable expectations

Striving for perfection can be paralyzing and can keep you from accomplishing goals. Instead, identify specific goals that are attainable and within your control. Regularly take stock of these goals, keep them fresh and current. They may need periodic adjustment and enhancement.

3. Ban negative thoughts and actions

Avoid self-pity and never allow others to belittle you. Always speak positively about yourself, your future, and others. Smile frequently – this easy facial expression is contagious to others and yourself. Accept compliments from others gracefully; take it to heart and respond with a smile and “Thank-you.”

4. Be prepared.

Take stock of what will be needed; thinking through the task or project may be enough. Build a plan, whether in your mind or a more robust and documented version. The steps taken to pull the plan together are the most important step. Then as you move forward, begin to gather the information and/or tools. Once prepared, hold your head up and begin your march forward.

5. Don’t hesitate.

Take time to gather information, but once a decision is reached move to action. Fear of failure can hold many people back, but those are some of the most powerful lessons. Just plan on learning from mistakes and get going; doing nothing will result in nothing.

6. Dress for success.

The way you look will directly impact how you feel. The specific clothes you wear and the overall appearance should be in line with your personality, your goals, and the project that you are passionate about. Take the time to enhance your personal appearance; it should represent what you are trying to achieve.

7. Don’t be over confident

To be confident means you are engaged and ready to move to action. Having too much confidence can lead to a state of indifference and entitlement. One does not lead to the other. Know the difference and always strive to avoid over confidence.

Confidence is a key part to success, only because it is a common trait in those who DO things. Luckily, this is not something that only certain people are born with, but can be a practiced trait by anyone who decides they want it.

Image credit: Creative Commons License Victor1558

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